The Giving Goat
Children of all ages need a sense of purpose in their lives. In today’s world, there is much confusion about life. Many of the stable boundaries and structures that guided children’s lives have been removed. Children often lack the security and guidance that gives confidence. Parents often lack the tools to provide these boundaries and securities. Children then develop anxiety and stress from uncertainties.

The Giving Goat
The Giving Goat was written and illustrated to convey the concept that all children, no matter what ethnic background or economic status have a definite purpose in this world. All children are very important, and each child is a unique individual with wonderful abilities and skills. These ideas need to be instilled in each child so he or she can develop confidently.

Finding Purpose
The little goat in The Giving Goat awakens in the barnyard surrounded by a farm with each animal on the farm having a specific purpose. He sleepily yawns and wonders what his job is on the farm. Skipping and frolicking to visit each animal, he discovers their purposes on the farm. He now wants to discover what his purpose is. A wonderful surprise waits him and allows him to discover his important purpose. Now the little goat has security and confidence because of his discovery.

Discussing Purposes
This story can be a wonderful way to introduce purpose to children. As parents read the story to the child or hear the child read the story, parents can ask the ways the little goat sought to find his purpose. He asked a hen, but the hen’s purpose did not match his. He then asked a horse and a sheep but to no avail. This discussion can then be extended to explain how people each have different gifts, talents, and skills. Every child is different, but every child has unique skills and abilities that provide purpose. Those unique gifts need to be addressed and praised to give a child a sense of purpose and self -worth. (show goat and hen talking then goat sitting on nest)

Exploring Purposes
Children can be encouraged to talk about the things they like to do. Parents can explore various art activities and discover what the child thinks about these activities. The art activities liked can then be pursued with praise while the activities not liked can be discussed too. Not every child likes all activities. The likes and dislikes make children unique. Sports are other activities that can be explored by parents with their children. Not every child is good at every sport and that fact is ok. Each child should be encouraged to ty new activities and to discover his or her talents through those activities. Confidence is achieved when the child discovers a talent or skill that he or she likes and can then be pursued. Every child has a purpose to discover, and The Giving Goat is a great way to introduce that concept to children! (show another picture of front title and picture of book)